About Us

About Us
Since 2003, Triple B has continued to grow and expand into 25 full time employees and continues to thrive through quality work backed up by years of experience. We are a family owned business with small town values. While we are capable of handling major jobs, we are also here to help with small jobs that require more than just a shovel. We look forward to serving our customers for years to come.

Please check out our service page to see if we could be of any help to you with your next project or unfortunate problem.
Our Employees

Shaun Morrow
Years with Company: 1
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 20
Hometown: Tipton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Finishing the Job
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I enjoy hunting and fishing even though I’m still no good at it

Cameron Ganzer
Years with Company: 1
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 10
Hometown: Muscatine, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Getting to run equipment and people asking me if I’m related to Brad
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I like to golf

Carl C. Kleppe
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 4
Hometown: Wilton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Looking back on the projects we did and saying I helped do that. Also, playing in the mud and dirt.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: Love of family, hunting and fishing

Randy Lick
Years with Company: 3
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 10
Hometown: Muscatine, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Working with people and getting jobs done
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I like camping, fishing, riding 4 wheelers, snowmobiles and RZR riding

Steve Allen
Years with Company: 12
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 28
Hometown: Tipton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Seeing the end result and working for such a good family-oriented company that cares for their employees.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: Riding Harley Davidson motorcycles

Brian Patrick
Years with Company: 12
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 16
Hometown: Wilton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Having become an expert in septic systems.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I’m pretty boring

Ryan Gade
Years with Company: 9
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 12
Favorite Part of this Job: The people I work with and running equipment.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: Taxidermist, Bow hunting whitetails and diddy pole flatheads

Don Villhauer
Years with Company: 9
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 10
Hometown: Tipton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Operating excavators, dump trucks and the semi.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I like to golf and hunt.

Terry Cain
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 22
Hometown: Tipton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Having a good crew to work with
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: Fishing and Hunting

Nick Hermiston
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 12
Hometown: Bennett, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: You get to work with a good group of people
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Beer 30

Nate Fitch
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 26
Hometown: Tipton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Everybody knows each other. You’re not just a number on a paycheck.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: Outdoors, Rodeo

Aaron Tripp
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 2
Hometown: Tipton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Something new to learn everyday, operating equipment and implementing new ideas.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: Fishing in tournaments, Hunting

Nick Timm
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 5
Hometown: Tipton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: I like that there is a new thing to do everyday and that it is a very friendly work environment.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I like to build and work on cars

Kenneth Gamble
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 20+
Hometown: Wilton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Running equipment and working with nice people!
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I was wearing Camo when Camo wasn’t cool! I like collecting vinyl LP’s. I like being outdoors!

Jim Allen
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 2 in Dirt Work
Hometown: Tipton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Learning to operate all the different equipment and working with a good bunch of guys.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: Woodworking, Spending time with my grandsons.

Bryan Simmermaker
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 22
Hometown: Tipton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Being outside
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I like to fish, hunt and camp.

Jeff Greazel
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 2
Hometown: Atalissa, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Always something different
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: My hobby is playing in the dirt.

Thomas B. Crowley
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 32
Hometown: Tipton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Getting a job well done and working with a good group of guys.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I like to fish and stay active with my kids and I enjoy being able to help others.

Morgan Peterson
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 2
Hometown: Muscatine, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Working with great people and the endless opportunities.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I like fishing, reloading.

Robert Goodwin
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: Just about all my life.
Hometown: Washington, IA
Favorite Part of this Job: Being outside
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: Horseback riding, I’m a certified Farrier, horseshoeing, and I’m a scuba diver.

Brad Jipp
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 17
Hometown: Wilton, IA
Favorite Part of this Job: Helping make better lives for my family and my employees. Thinking outside the box to solve problems for customers.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I like to brew my own beer and I have several hives of honeybees. I served in the National Guard for nine years starting as an enlisted mechanic and ending as an Executive Officer for a horizontal construction company (Earthmoving and Excavating).

Todd Behrle
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 20+
Hometown: Tipton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Working outside.
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: I love hunting and fishing.

Bruce Jipp
Years in the Construction Industry: 47
Hometown: Wilton, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: When a job goes well

Grace Jipp
Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: 7
Hometown: Solon, Iowa
Favorite Part of this Job: Working with my husband and interacting with the employees and hearing their stories make my day!
Interesting Hobby or Something Interesting about Yourself: Brad and I have three children, Ella, Henry and Bo. I love to travel, garden, read and cook but I spend most of my free time chasing after my kids!